Thursday, 4 December 2008

SURVIVAL of small businesses

Maybe it’s a case of the blind leading the blinded. Sorry to start on a grumpy note but I remember an entry I put in LINK* on the definition of a Chancellor ' --- a head of government, or one in charge of the government purse - a responsible position filled by someone caring for the people and reasonably able to foresee the economic future’
It seems, in Westminster's ivory towers, the feeling is widespread that ALL that really matters is cunning financial management and this gives the best way forward for ‘UK plc’.
Now, looking back on the astronomic rise and now the fall of the ‘property industry’ the mistake can be seen. It is fine to have a lovely house, brand spanking new to live in, but one does need to have a JOB also to help pay for the running expenses of that house.
So how to help the SURVIVAL of small businesses, where some 60% of jobs exist. They are heavily burdened by unsympathetic regulations, yet it is their essential contribution that gives people the chance of interesting work and the chance to create real liquidity i.e. assets that can easily be converted into cash.
This help can be given by government and will give big savings in unemployment benefit payouts etc. It can be done and must be done. There are many people who will work hard once given the chance of an interesting job.
I think this will often mean you should actually use your hands to produce items. It is time to dispel the misnomer that manual work is somehow beneath us to do. It is often very satisfying and has an intellectual side too. I often see a bank manager neighbour of mine happily fixing up his own garden fence. Full job satisfaction often comes from having a wide range of abilities.
I hear the pre budget just out is good for small business, but a rate free start up year, freeing up of parking restrictions and many other sensible concessions would help small concerns a lot more. To give a lot more freedom to get on with the job is the very best medicine to help the country forward and help the recession to pass quickly.

Thursday, 6 November 2008


Barter, discuss and argue for sensible deals. Even in the case of Mortgages and loans, Business rates and council tax the time has come to discuss, argue and seek reductions in payments.
As this recession bites more deeply the situation will arise were more people have difficulty in paying their mortgages - Banks would then normally repossess and resell the houses at cheaper rates and recoup most of their money. However NOW banks will find they have many repossessed houses which they cannot sell; and, boarded up for security they will deteriorate and lose more and more value. So, forcing people out is of no advantage to people who have worked hard for their houses and of little use to banks which will pay taxes for empty and degrading properties. It seems then a much better solution for the banks to reduce interest rates, adjust terms and accept less profit – this way they may also survive.

"Ok - we did not force u to take the mortgage” they may opine when you approach them with reductions in mind. “No, of course not” you may return "but you (the bank) are a reputable institution who should have had some idea of forthcoming financial trends and certainly you could have been expected to provide sensible guidance to your customers who were simply trying to get a foothold on the housing ladder; certainly much of the blame for the situation lies in your court and you can reasonably be expected to share the pain of a difficult situation much of your own making. Is it not your usury of money put into your trust which has led to this recession?"
Often the 'seven year cycle' is talked of and ‘the property market will take off again after this’ is voiced in comforting tones. However the present money shortage in the US and Europe is of a different nature and is to do with the gradual but accelerating move in production of many essential goods away from the west and into the asian countries. To survive well in modern global trading conditions countries need strong industries and wage scales that match those of their competitors. As this need filters through into our over paid and failing industries they will continue to decline: wage levels will fall and many jobs will go. Now, then, is the time to accept lower wages and buckle down to rebuild industry and small businesses. A new framework is needed with much less government and council interference and rates and regulations reduced to sensible and easily bearable levels.
It is time to wake up barter, argue and lobby so the UK retains its position in the money wars which are always being waged.

A system that allows real financial education and decisions respecting the needs of others is required. Adopted globally such a comprehensive model will then bring sensible control over finances and help to the many needy countries.


Saturday, 1 November 2008

LINKtogether - CORE FEATURES - 'Easy and Lite'

LINKtogether is about putting together a new ‘management system’. It covers much more than commerce. We say “management for business, body and soul.”

These seemingly separate pieces are really very much joined up – without business to busy our minds both the body and soul will suffer; and with a healthy body and a sense of soul we may tackle any job.
Details of this method work out as we put the system together. We aim to look out 4 others and so create a supportive and co-operative atmosphere. This way we teach ourselves to think differently, more efficiently and so we discover a new energy.

Towards this concept LINKtogether works for the good of the Small Businesses and Education in the community; also we run a properties hub, encourage action against climate change; and set up a Wellness Clinic.

We are sure you will find this system extremely useful and flexible –though not always the easy option.
We are all in this life together; Think differently, different shades, different attributes, but one people. Lobby and work together to remove the tension, make life bearable ‘easy and lite’