Speaker John was shutting up the PM for repetition as he over used his popular insert 'the last lot left us with £85billion of debt'(p.); and later he admonishing the members 'you shouldn't shout at the PM in this way -it delays progress and is rude' Absolutely true and again signs of progress.
However an even greater freeing up of the ritual would be welcome. Opportunities could be available for the DPM to answer some questions; and genuinely interested membersof the public allowed to put their questions directly and easilly in an extension of this debate. Such a move would open up a truly democratic line to the man in the street and increase his interest enormously.
So our coalition can be good for the UK. It may stop party infighting, and work hard for the backing and concencsus of the people. Vital tasks face this government. Surely its first task is talk to the banks and make sure they play their financial part in in the rebuilding of our country. Otherwise, especially at SMB levels, there will be little or no profitable activity, much commerce will calapse and banks will collapse also, left without the clientel they rely on for their profits.***
Taken from LINKtogether Bulletin no 66 Autumn 2010