Saturday, 28 August 2010

Coalition Government IS good for the UK

I looked recently at PM's question time. I detected a reduction in the jeering, booing and sarcastic remarks which have become typical of our parliamentary ssessions. I was pleased to hear the PM say ( as they discussed domestic violence),'Yes a clear message to offenders is neccessary - the last govt did make progress on this' - Here was a compliment to the efforts of the previous government. Also I detected a sense of fun in session. Very good Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg, with a more civilized discussion progress is possible.
Speaker John was shutting up the PM for repetition as he over used his popular insert 'the last lot left us with £85billion of debt'(p.); and later he admonishing the members 'you shouldn't shout at the PM in this way -it delays progress and is rude' Absolutely true and again signs of progress.
However an even greater freeing up of the ritual would be welcome. Opportunities could be available for the DPM to answer some questions; and genuinely interested membersof the public allowed to put their questions directly and easilly in an extension of this debate. Such a move would open up a truly democratic line to the man in the street and increase his interest enormously.
So our coalition can be good for the UK. It may stop party infighting, and work hard for the backing and concencsus of the people. Vital tasks face this government. Surely its first task is talk to the banks and make sure they play their financial part in in the rebuilding of our country. Otherwise, especially at SMB levels, there will be little or no profitable activity, much commerce will calapse and banks will collapse also, left without the clientel they rely on for their profits.***

Taken from LINKtogether Bulletin no 66 Autumn 2010

Friday, 15 January 2010

Much needed small biz help - only in Scotland!

LINKtogether seeks to help small businesses to start
up with our Flexible Office Space and 'START UP'
Help scheme-- and what better way to do this than
remove business rates or reduce them.
It is BRILLIANT to see that in April this year th
Scottish Government with it's Small business bonus
scheme has done this very thing! LINK has
excerpted below from

The Scottish Government's small business bonus
'From April 1, 2009 many small businesses will pay no rates.

From April 1, 2009 tens of thousands of small businesses will pay no rates at all under the
Scottish Government's small business bonus scheme.
You could save up to almost £4,000 a year, depending on your rateable value. An eligible
business property will save on average £1400 in 2009-10.
What's the catch? There isn't one! The Scottish Government wants to help genuinely small
businesses, particularly in the current economic climate.
Who qualifies? You may qualify if you pay non-domestic rates for properties with a combined
rateable value of £15,000 or less.
The savings band for eligible BUSINESS properties rates are - % relief available
Up to £8,000 -100% £8,001 to £10,000 ---50% £10,001 to £15,000 25%

The aim of this scheme is that small Scottish businesses
may survive in these difficult times. There will be obvious
advantages to local communities in the jobs provided
and experience made available, especially for young
people. To work in a corner shop is a starting point for a youngster,
they can meet and deal with people, handle money and stock
shelves. Here is an opportunity not to be removed. It seems
strange that the Scots , apparently not noted for financial generosity,
can see into the future and help their society in this way.
Strangely our English government has not noticed this brilliant move; is Scotland so far away from England? Perhaps we can circulate this information and help them to notice what's happened. I think once this small business bonus scheme and it's advantages are made clear a similar action will be quickly taken by Westminster.
Sadly our government simply plans to set 2010 business rates based on values
obtained in 2008, so increases are very likely. As if the credit sqeeze had no effect
and jobs problems for youngsters and small businesses did not exist. Pay up or go
down seems to be the view taken. Can we ask them A.S.A.P. to look at this?