Tuesday, 24 May 2011

European Union are rapidly implementing new legislation which will effectively BAN FOREVER a large range of supplements.

I spoke with a friend recently about Chelation - the removal of extra metal deposits that can get lodged in our bodies, brains and many other organs. Not a good idea to have these hanging around and reducing our memory power and messing up functions in the kidney and liver --- I also looked at his site and spied the following message - please read this for your own good and reply to this blog so we may together take some action to stop this action against our human rights.

The European Union are rapidly implementing new legislation which will effectively BAN FOREVER a large range of supplements. These include Chinese
mushroom capsules, reishi and cordyceps plus thousands of others. These
products will then only be available (if at all) through the pharmaceutical
companies at extortionate prices and they will be full of fillers/sweeteners
and other assorted 'nasties'.


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

fishes heads actually point - u get directions to the shop

Tired after work, I ventured for Fish and Chips.    Martin at Winfield has two signs on the big roundabout. ‘its like a lifeline to the business – such a fuss to get two signs – ‘oh u cant do that they (the council) said – and yet in the end they were helping! You see fishes heads actually point so u get directions to the shop ‘gosh, that’s not allowed on these signs’ I hear the council say. I said something about the councils obstructive ways which I won’t write here.
We all now how true this sort of unhelpful behaviour is and there is no wonder so many small businesses founder in this atmosphere. So there is little wonder at all that small businesses close and jobs are lost. How on earth can the UK prosper in this sort of atmosphere? Why do we struggle on – yet we do.
If your biz is called Sainsbury’s or Morrison’s u can take up the challenge and use legal power to get what u want. If u are just starting out it is so much more difficult.
Read this Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg and put pressure on so the councils are more helpful , Also keep the Biz Rates down, as they are until October. Scotland helps SMBs with its far seeing parliament, then we can do the same.