Extracted from a recent Link Co-Operative meeting; On the
panel were Evans Gallo, Steven
Jhakra, and John Broadhead
The Meeting opened
with John saying - ‘The Co-Operative principle has been in my mind for a long
time now; But can we to our advantage look at LINK Co-Operatives work more
Recently, on Radio 4, I heard about a Co-operative operating in East
Lothian, Scotland . This company, ‘Clansman Dynamics’ , was sold to
it’s workers in 2009 by it’s Owner/ Manager, to become a cooperative venture. It makes remote control manipulators were work pieces
from a few pounds to several tons can be moved around by the operator. Here the
workers, some 39, have became part owners of the company and now all can give input
to the running of the firm. With open meetings any member may bring up points and have these discussed and, if
adopted by the meeting, acted upon. The enthusiasm and interest in the work going
on has now completely increased and profits have doubled since the change.
So it was decided by our panel members to try
this method of working for the Link
It was
already in place to some extent but to give time and develop the principle
further was to be our new approach and to make the LINK’S work our work.
Any person is welcome to join us simply by giving
his / her time and effort as they attend one of our Friendly Forum meetings on
the fourth Friday of the month ; but people are also welcome to join our New Ideas and Admin
meetings on the second Friday and this meeting will feed in ideas for our
Friendly Forum and help us go further.
Below, to make clear what we are about, our headings
describing LINK Co-Operative’s areas of work. Please join us and find out more
about these.
LINK FRIENDLY FORUM+, (Healing & Maintenance
- MEDIA WORKS/ LIBRARY - Soul Studies)