Friday, 16 December 2011


Government must learn to look at the whole picture; not just those ‘academic’ jobs’ that are supposed to drive the UK economy to that of a world front runner. These are many other most worthwhile jobs that cover the interesting and wide field of employment but they have been allowed to wither away by short sighted government strategies. There is little left of Britain as it used to be and 'kick starting the economy/ jobs’, is perhaps, sadly, just a nonsense,

What jobs, what Britain, we may well ask.

Jobs must be built on a firm basis of knowledge and in many areas. –

It seems that obviously the starting point is education. And how well is our education? It may be fine for those from families who are working in the ‘knowledge’ areas, financial, medical, and similar and can fit with the school curriculum.

But for others, who do not fit this narrow template that educationalists accept as ‘good’, much is spoilt by poor behaviour in the classroom. It takes tremendous effort to repair this damage and employers should not have to give time to retrain their new recruits in basic learning and basic good behaviour.

Then how on earth to ‘kick start the economy'? ‘What jobs, what Britain’, we may well ask again. Have we, the people the workforce, the enthusiasm and desire to be kick started? So many, young and old, feel very tired of the struggle to find steady, satisfactory work. Is government suggesting that a better economy, with better financial rewards will be sufficient to get things moving again? After so many years of struggle and tears as more and more factories have been closed and interesting manual and technical jobs taken away, is this enough? How to start up the real jobs and help people find again the enjoyment, friendship and education that work can bring. The task is far more involved than getting the old Vespa to pop, pop, pop back again to life.

I spoke with a Kenyan friend today. His opinion was that 'people in this country simply do not want to work; they are much happier to take the many handouts that government will pay them and live a lazy existence'.

Yes, sometimes this MAY be true. However today I saw three being blown, battered and rained on as they went letter box to letter box giving out their leaflets. Often this is what is given to young people, job seekers as they are labelled. Why, even with a computer training there is often no real job available.

The idea seems to be not to help interesting employment to survive but simply to scale down job variety so they are economic to provide and run; and go hang what people want or would like to do.

Now then I call on the Daily Star for input. 'UK youngsters are often low on communications skills, can’t spell or do basic maths' is a recent theme. And why ‘Poor teaching in schools’, and again why? Because simple; sensible discipline is not allowed to take place. Teachers very often work in an atmosphere of poor behaviour from the pupils and have little or no help to maintain discipline.

Is this huge major fault difficult to put right? No! It merely requires having people in schools skilled in discipline strategies to work with teachers and help them get on with the lessons.

So the problem could be solved ‘tomorrow’ .With discipline in the lessons enjoyment of education would be possible and communication skills among the pupils could grow - and enthusiasm would grow among teachers for what can be a most satisfying job. This sensible discipline is not allowed because educational psychologists overrule what is simply good sense to apparently further their own employment they suggest we must talk to pupils injured psychologies rather than apply sensible discipline. So we damage the pupils and any enthusiasm for their jobs that teachers have.


Anonymous said...

So, what kind of discipline do you have in mind? Do we go back to the days of the cane when some teachers brutalised children and aggrieved parents attacked teachers in retaliation? Total mayhem!!

How can one discipline children at school when the society they live in does not seem to encourage discipline by according them the kind of 'rights' that could easily see parents lose them to Social Services for as much as pinching their ears?


Anonymous said...

So, what kind of discipline do you have in mind? Do we go back to the days of the cane when some teachers brutalised children and aggrieved parents attacked teachers in retaliation? Total mayhem!!

How can one discipline children at school when the society they live in does not seem to encourage discipline by according them the kind of 'rights' that could easily see parents lose them to Social Services for as much as pinching their ears?
