Tuesday, 3 January 2012


to find out more go to www.bizbodysoul.com
I/ we believe and conclude that our own bodies and minds, when fed a good diet with adequate physical exercise and a settled mental background, are well capable of providing the healing and maintenance we require in most situations.
Then, if we can accept this, how best can we prepare so this holistic healing and maintenance of our bodies can happen?
It seems to me we must look closely at our needs. Though we have many different ones I think we can generalise them in this little picture of what we all need…
First comes a program to follow, days to busy ourselves and days to rest. Then a strong healthy body to carry us through is essential. And finally, for our minds, a belief and hope so that we can relax, be mentally settled and find wellbeing.
So our Site banner proclaims ‘LINK - biz,body and soul.’ -- And continues ‘We tirelessly research ---and aim is that more & more may join our ‘journey of discovery’. Our work is finding and supporting our elements of ‘biz, body and soul’, and getting them into a happy combination - a valuable, new holistic approach to wellbeing.
It is not intended as a substitute for any medical treatment you may be undertaking but to give a strengthening of energy so that you may find a brighter and well aligned approach to whatever you have to tackle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good ideas, but;

Do you have a programme in mind? I would like to try it.

How do those who cannot afford thetime to rest actually rest?