Saturday, 19 September 2015

Greece is standing up and soon will become a real country again

It begins to dawn on me that 'clever' unscrupulous banks /IMF, (in close cahoots with Germany and perhaps France) have nearly all the European countries on a sort of mortgage. Money is loaned and is to be repaid at an interest tied to that countries performance. If this condition is not kept then the unfortunate renaging country is ejected from the club. Its prime minister and other worthy ministers will then not be able to join the gravy train that travels across Europe to discuss the EU finances and bask in the bright light of conferences and television appearances any more ??? It is good to see that Greece is standing up and soon will become a real country again with its own currency and the chance to control it’s own finances and survive this EU straight jacket - life may take on real meaning for it’s residents again and I'm sure most people will wish it well in it's fight for democracy.                                                                         


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